date: Friday, September 4, 2009 @ 10:53 PM
title: prom night? yeah right.
Sucked. Whoo yeah, Prom night sucked, bad. The plot was zero, the actors were so-so and the ending was just SMASH BOOM GOO BLEAH-OVER. The only, and I mean only, saving grace was the appearance of pretty Silver from 90210. Oh but guess what? She had to be KILLED FIRST. -sad face- But it was pretty boring for a horror, or in megan's terms, a slasher film compared to ONE MISSED CALL. But it was horrifying, how the stalker killed everyone, and the inefficiency of the police amused us much. Carolie Warolie was the only one scoffing there at the most inappropriate moments, like when say the corpse fell out from the ceiling. It was quite a waste of time, but at least we had fun? The scenes are really epic. I guess I need GG (GOSSIP GIRL) to douse that effect.
Oh but before that, we made cookies/ biscuits or whatever the like. Megan and I make awesome baking buddies! Haha, shan't explain what happened. But the juniors will be pleasantly surprised tomorrow! Yippee!
All the way guys! We know you can do this.
okie, back to gg now!
You've got this MAGICK!(: