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date: Monday, August 31, 2009 @ 9:32 PM

Ahahah! Finally a break. Anyway, main aim of post today? To fulfil CHRISTINE'S CHRISTINE'S CHRISTINE'S CHRISTINE'S CHRISTINE'S request to post about yesterday, and a brief mention of what happened today!

So, CHRISTINE CHRISTINE CHRISTINE, Erina, Jeanette, Joanna and I met at amk library yesterday to STUDY. Hahahah, indeed we STUDIED! We talked, crapped, and just enjoyed the company of each other. I actually agree with Christine. Before, I had apprehensions. I was slightly apprehensive about us being awkward and all after we haven't met each other in 9 months. But it turned out all fine! We really enjoyed ourselves, or at least I did! I really hope to do this again someday soon! :D

Had a pretty rough night last night, but the today was happy! Albeit the major screwups on stage in front of the whole wide school. Gosh, I don't even want to think about it. So, besides the horrifyingly traumatising screwup in the morning, and silly me forgetting to wear shorts when I had PE lesson today (PS: MS SUSAN LIM) and thus resulting in the absence of shorts for the whole day -shu's disturbing comment pops up into mind-, today was or is a pretty good day after all! Had a boring day of lessons while the next class was PLAYING SCRABBLE. Darn it, how unfair can this get?! I WANT TO PLAY SCRABBLE TOO OKAY! Then, saw Erina midway through bio which was utterly boring so I was excited! Talked, buzzed and bee-ed around school after school till it was DRAMA TIME and that was epic funny. HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY! We were preparing awong's present it's so good I tell you! It's awesome! And we tricked him into wearing the mask and he even agreed to camwhore with the embarrasingly funny mask. Photos on facebook HAHAHA. He was so weird, he went around acting like a monster and trying to catch innocent little kids like us. Maniacal :O HAHA, so after drama, went to PIZZA HUT (JERICHO ALERT JERICHO ALERT) for dinner since it's a holiday tomorrow, only to find out that JERICHO only works on weekends D: (aww shu D:) Meg and I resisted the temptation of the chocolate fudge brownie ice cream thing that looked SO GOOD! So after paying 8 bucks for GST ALONE, we went to the other cafe to get mango pudding ice cream! It was actually for my mum, but the ice cream melted anyway and now we're waiting for it to refreeze!

Training tomorrow, and tomorrow tomorrow, and tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow.
All the best team! :DDD

PS: the boy at the top is epic cute too! -hug hug-
(Okay! I know I'm getting weird but its the adrenaline!)
date: Saturday, August 29, 2009 @ 10:59 PM

I've been feeling pretty lost these days. I guess I'm experiencing my mid-teen-life crisis?

Anyway, I've been trying to reconstruct iTunes ever since my last lappy died, and I've been pretty successful so far! So, drop me any song you think I would like, or if you like it. Thanks!

Okay, I'm going to write about random things now since I don't feel very structured (i guess you can tell). Shu and I spotted this epic unglam picture of wongmeister on facebook. HE WAS WEARING THE FAKE BANGS THING THAT THE MODERN DANCE GIRLS WORE FOR SYF! It was awesome. Yeahhhh. HAHAHA. Oh! I hope the hc production can give me inspiration for drama indiv, since its not everyday that we break our vows and step into their ... land. And I think I may start on friends/ gossip girl after eoys, since I probably won't have anything else to do right? I really hope 90210 season 2 will come out soon!

Erina, Christine and flower tomorrow. I don't really intend to study but I bet they'll force me to.

Okay, I know I'm sounding incoherent. Pardon me.

U14s Team FTW.

EOYS ftw..?
date: Monday, August 24, 2009 @ 9:15 PM

woohoo! I can't believe I'm still alive after only 3 and a half hours of sleep! anway, so many things have been happening and I'm so excited! Whatever for I have no idea, but I'm just seemingly engaging in positive thinking (which is extremely rare so i should remember this time). Anyway, ho made me get hooked on Are you gonna be my girl -Jet and I can remember the lyrics! Hahaha. I sang it to Boon yen the whole day today. Then, we sang Waking up in Vegas together! We make an awesome duo I tell you!

Anyway, lit coursework has been sapping the life out of all of us but I sort of enjoy the filming hahaha it's so funny! The voice-overs are ultimate epic, no one should ever hear them. I was just coughing and snorting all the way, trying not to make myself laugh at, myself!

Then there was The comedy of the tragic goats which I found quite relative to life, and indeed, it was the first cake production that I understood in the least. I somehow am starting to realise the effect plays have on people. It's so soothing and understanding, as if it were an animate object. Looking forward to drama group and indiv? Not really, but I know we'll pull through altogether(:

First happy thoughts in months now, today should go on forever.

You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ
- 2 Timothy 2:3
date: Sunday, August 16, 2009 @ 8:19 PM
title: Your will, and not mine to be done

There are so many things in life that I want, but it isn't always that I get them. Easier said than done, we have to constantly trust and believe that He will make good my life and He won't fail me. It's really difficult, when I see others struggling too. A perfectly(maybe not perfect but) smart, happy and funny girl, ruined by unimportant, materialistic factors. Trodden esteem, robbed emotions. It just feels so sad that a million other kids(teens) out there are facing the very same things. I especially hate it when I forget to cherish a friendship, only to realise how important it is after that someone is gone. Not gone as in dead, but you know, moved or simply just got out of my life. I find it so difficult then to try making things feel like the same again, because I know it can never be the same again. People just change and things just move on and nothing or no one ever waits for me because I'm just so slow. And sometimes being so slow fustrates me but I can't do anything about it because I seem to enjoy worming in my own muddy pool a bit too much. Then its just this cycle which never stops, and whenever I really find someone I like, I can never make good that friendship.
Still, I'm thankful for this bunch of awesome friends that at least try to drag me out of my muddy pool.
Photographs really evoke nostalgia.
But then again, I can't live in these memories forever.
I need to move on, to avoid missing out on everything again.

spot the bubbles! we worked really hard.

Snoopy bubbly soapy thing. Another one of my best friends. I know this sounds stupidly childish, but blowing bubbles make me happy. You should try it someday too. I recommend you get the bubble gun, its a lot faster and the fun quadruples!

(credits meg)

So, this is a chiller. Back to the regime that sucks the life out of all, illogically, unreasonably.


date: Friday, August 7, 2009 @ 11:45 PM

Heeheehee. Today was pretty awesome, to say the least. National Day celebrations was like every other year's, ya'know, the same ol' songs, but they just have this allure, that makes you want to sing it. At one point of time, I really felt so brain-washed, but I couldn't stop singing

see the moon and the stars!
look how far we've come!
look around at our faces, they shine brightly in the sun!

I guess its just the company and atmosphere that made me feel happy. Like really happy. I haven't felt so happy for a really long time! But I'm glad this is a timely break, since everything is catching up on me.

OOH! I forgot to mention the bubbles! They were really cool! the bubble machine was epic cool! You just had to press this button like on a machine gun and bubbles just keep popping up! It was way cooler than the manual-blowing thing which was tiring. Anyway so when it ended, ape-y and I claimed our 60 cents orange bowl while waiting for megan. Then we went to her house and watched 5 mins of She's the Man which was awfully funny! Thanks ape-y for loaning me the vcd! I finished watching it! Now I know where you get all your ape-y instincts! Haha both of you are pretty similar, but amanda bynes is definitely cuter than you! (megan agrees too okay!) Then we went to Acres in Jalan Lekar, where it brought back horrible memories of menial labour. Oh and I think our SLP is gonna be a great hit! I'm sure we will succeed!

Initial potty plan didn't work out since Shu and chantel totally abandoned us. So then, had this big confusion of where angie, marie, karyn, sara and jeanette were and we decided to go join marie since she was all alone in cineleisure. Subway-ed and heard her funniest family jokes ever. I'd bet its in the genes! Then she had this theory of how subway cookies sink to your butt after you eat them, no, not funny. Angie called and persuaded us to go to far east to meet them. I was like... NO. so megan said "Sharon said she doesn't want to go to far east because its too slutty!"
Marie snatched the phone and wailed "Sharon just stepped on a meat ball and she's damn pissed now!"
Well, I am pleased to inform you here that none of that took place. Firstly, I did not think alooud (although I did think it secretly, but I have manners okay) and secondly, I did not step on a meatball. Megan and Marie were just finding excuses to wriggle out of it! So anyway angie agreed to meet us at wisma atria where we (meaning marie and I) roamed around freely with leftover popcorn while the compulsive shopaholics went shop-hopping, spending at least 20 mins in each store. Multiply that by the number of shops in ION, wisma and taka (okay a slight exaggeration here but whatever) and decide whether you EVER want to go SHOPPING with them. HAHA. I then realised that I got duped into going to wisma because angie's ploy was to make us go to far east after making us go to wisma. Treaded the slinky path there, and unluckily met a cap friend which I very clearly remember telling " I'll never go to Far East!"

oh gee thanks.

Sulked around abit more, with an eclair in hand, and finally decided to go to ION with marie. Ended up following her around to find her SPEEDO-ADULT-PREFERABLY-IN-BLUE-SWIMMING-CAP. Yes, it is that specific. It can't be Arena, it can't be for juniors, it can't even be pink. She couldn't be satisfied in the end, so we went back unaccomplished.

It was fun haha, and a good reboost for next week.
date: Thursday, August 6, 2009 @ 11:19 PM

Today has been quite a happy day, surprisingly. It actually started out quite horrid, while rushing out drama portfolio. Then, with the heaving of my muscles and bones, I went to sleep at around 2 plus. School was awful, I felt like dying during chem, despite the obvious knowledge that if I didn't pay attention during chem, I would REALLY DIE. But anyway, I'm just glad today is over. I wonder how I survived on 4 hours of sleep and now still am here. Hmm, I've lasted 17 and a half hours and counting! Anyway, towards the end of the day, it got happier. So, I thought I might as well end today on a happy note, despite the already creeping-into-my-veins fatigue that is going to consume me in a few minutes time. There has been crazy practicing of dance to the WE WILL GET THERE ndp song. I just feel lame okay.

On a last note, this is lovely.

date: Sunday, August 2, 2009 @ 12:01 AM


"the enjoyment of the pleasure-seeking noblewomen becomes more enhanced and more safe."

I'm just speechless. I know the literary element is so captivating and fascinating and whatnot, but the content, albeit factual, holds SO MUCH INNUENDOS that even shirley finds it sick! But sharon wong likes it, I wonder why.

You know how they always say that in drama, when you get hold of a script, try being in your character's shoes for a day to develop all that emotion and expression? Hell no am I gonna do that for this text!

Still, KPK's writing is really awesome. But I just wonder why all has plays has to be along the lines of "THREE FAT VIRGINS" or "DESCENDANTS OF THE EUNUCH ADMIRAL". Actually I've seen other plays with innocent sounding names. But NO, WE HAVE TO DO EUNUCHS.